version works like semver but without major releases. The major version is always 0, like 0.x.x
. That each minor update can contain a breaking change.
v0.40 - New runtime library: styled-ppx/css and styled-ppx/emotion
Published on Wed Sep 13 2023
This new release of styled-ppx brings one exciting breaking change: deprecation of bs-css
and bs-css-emotion
in favor of styled-ppx/css
and styled-ppx/emotion
The reason for the deprecation are very simple: - bs-css is slower to change than a vendored library - bs-css currently supports much less CSS features as styled-ppx ( - We want to make the runtime as minimal as possible (near zero) and with an external library this isn't possible - Want to use array/curried functions as much as possible while bs-css still exposes Css (while styled-ppx only uses CssJs) - bs-css doesn't have an API reference where users can jump into it and solve their doubt
How to migrate
Future releases of styled-ppx will rely on features only shipped on styled-ppx/css and it will break your compilation.
npm install @davesnx/styled-ppx
"bs-dependencies": [
- "bs-css",
- "bs-css-emotion",
+ "@davesnx/styled-ppx/css",
+ "@davesnx/styled-ppx/emotion"
What's Changed
- Embed bs-emotion under let%label by @davesnx in
- Fixing a bunch of issues with parsing by @davesnx in
- Remove logger reporter and refactor parsing to have result by @davesnx in
- Migrate to opam by @davesnx in
- Embed bs-css and bs-css-emotion by @davesnx in
- Add vertical-align and interpolation safe by @davesnx in
- Embed bs-css and bs-css-emotion as packages by @davesnx in
- Create js/native with copy_files under styled-ppx.css/bs-css by @davesnx in
Full Changelog:
v0.36 - ReScript 10 and JSX4 in beta
Published on Fri Mar 31 2023
- Support JSX4 in ReScript
- Support for ReScript v10
- Relax ppxlib constraint
Fix and CSS Support
- Remove all semi_colons conflicts (#328)
- Warning on last expression of the sequence when needs to be static (#326)
- Support more than two selectors by reducing stuff (#329)
- Support for grid-column/row-gap
- Support box/text-shadow: none
v0.33 Stability release
Published on Fri Jan 27 2023
- CSS: linear-gradient()
- CSS: repeating-linear-gradient()
- CSS: radial-gradient()
- CSS: repeating-radial-gradient()
- CSS: conic-gradient()
- CSS: hsl/a now are able for interpolation
- CSS: text-decoration-line
- CSS/code-gen: animation-time/transition-time etc
- CSS: fix min-height/min-width
- Add support for consumption in opam
- Removed reason-native packages (refmterr, rely)
- Add Parser.Types to code generation
- Update CI to latest actions
v0.30.3 Support Selectors Level 3 and new website
Published on Mon Aug 01 2022
- Support CSS Selectors Level 3. Fixing and
- Interpolation variables support (
) - Add type annotation to interpolated rules
- New rules for parsing keyframes. Now supports wrap in curly or not.
- Support complex at_media combinations (almost Media Queries Level 5)
- Treat prelude interpolation (in selectors/media) to be treated as string and respect whitespace.
- Push a new version of the documentation with all the goodies: Syntax highlight, fix the search box, fixed dark theme.
- Added a bunch of documentation sections: CSS Support, FAQ, Guides
- Polished most pages from the "Reference"
v0.25 Make interpolation type-safe
Published on Fri Aug 27 2021
This release includes a big change in how the parser treats interpolation, making it possible to have type holes in the CSS values, enabling type-safe variables at runtime with bs-css types.
Most single-value properties are supported and a few shorthands as well. We will enable as more as we found them useful. This will be documented under:
- Add interpolation and enforce parser rules for shadow #226
- Type-safe interpolation, for single-value properties and shorthand properties (margin, padding) #219
- Add a unit as last argument #228 (Fixes
- Shadowing makeProps by dynamic user props #227 (Fixes
- Remove restriction for html tags #224 (Fixes
- Add alias for type_ #225 (Fixes
v0.24 Support for interpolation
Published on Wed Aug 11 2021
- Support for interpolation within values (at any position).
- Added a solid syntax:
- Pushed new documentation explaining the array API
- Added
for styled calls. - Rename
, and keepcx
v0.20.1 Dynamic components
Published on Sat Jul 18 2020
v0.20 All React props
Published on Tue May 26 2020